Soulful Piano For Worship

Increase Your Confidence & Release Your Creativity

Hi, I'm Maria

I help people who want to play better worship music learn to improvise using soulful chords so that can increase their confidence and release their creativity.

It doesn't matter if you already play piano, and just need more ideas for using chords and improvising, or you're a total beginner and need to start at the beginning.

Join me and let me help you unlock the world of playing by chords (no learning to read music) and improvising to give your playing a new sound. It's easier than you think!

90-Day Money Back Guarantee

"I love Maria’s enthusiasm and the easy to understand way she teaches. I like how she shared different ways of looking at something so it is easy to choose which method best suits. Even though each lesson is set, it doesn’t feel rigid and there is freedom to explore ideas as Maria’s way of teaching is very natural. When I had a question that needed answering, she was very quick to respond." ~ N. Thomas





Is Soulful Piano Right For Me?

Soulful Piano for Worship Course might be just

what you've been looking for IF. . . 

* You love to sing and want to learn to accompany yourself on the piano

* You're a beginner and you don't want to go through the long and difficult learning process of reading music

* You want to advance quickly so you can play the songs you love

* You already play, but want to advance in chord substitutions, improvising and adding rhythm to your playing

* You want to grow in using power chords, using the Circle of 5ths and Playing By Ear

* You play at your church, but you want more confidence when you step onto the Sunday stage

* You like to understand not only what to do and how to do it, but WHY to do it

* You already play, but feel stuck on chords, inversions, improvising and style

* You play by chords, but want to go beyond the basics

* You want to quickly be able to start playing your favorite songs

* You want to create your own music

* You want to develop more style

* You like to move at your own pace and go as deep as you want . . . or not . . . your choice

Meet Maria Harbert

I've been teaching people just like you the simple secrets to playing by chords for over 30 years!  Many of those players have gone on to play piano on their church worship team, compose their own music, and even get paid to play at events like weddings, parties and fund raisers.

It doesn't have to be hard and it shouldn't take years to learn to play songs you love using chords. You can become a piano player so much FASTER

when you know how to play by chords, and you can have so much fun while doing it.

Are you ready to start learning and advancing?


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This is where you put a short sentence like "Whenever there's breaking news in the world of Cat Juggling, you'll be the first to know"

Cool Topic 2 (Example: Tips From The Experts!)

This is where you put a short sentence like "We scour the Internet for the latest tips from all the top Cat Training experts and deliver them to you, free."

Cool Topic 3 (Example: Cat Juggling Product Reviews)

This is where you put a short sentence like "We try out the latest cat juggling products and tell you which ones are great, and which ones to avoid."

Soulful Piano For Worship

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